2024.12 2025 Quick Outlook

2025 Quick Outlook

Over the past year, UniSat has gained stronger certainty in product development and delivery, with significant improvements in service stability. However, in terms of operations and community engagement, we still have a long way to go. As our R&D continues to fine-tune and gradually enters a positive cycle, I will be able to dedicate more energy to building the operations team in 2025. We are always open to recommendations for operational talent, and our operations roles will remain open throughout 2025.

In the coming year, these are some of the key areas we will focus on:


  • Increased Collaboration: UniSat will place more emphasis on collaboration among different teams in 2025. We will work more closely with projects that have delivery capabilities, forming synergies to improve overall efficiency of the collaboration between different projects.
  • Building Operations: As mentioned earlier, we need to further build our operations team, improve our operational capabilities, and establish more effective, diverse, and warm communication with the community.


  • UniSat Wallet: We will gradually improve the app’s user experience, enhance asset and UTXO management capabilities, and aim to establish a more robust security model.
  • UniSat Explorer: We plan to expand support to Bitcoin mainnet, providing consistent services across different networks (currently in progress).
  • UniSat Marketplace & PizzaSwap: We will start taking a more proactive approach to marketing initiatives, user-facing activities, and in depth collaboration with quality projects.
  • Other Products: Other products like UniSat API will also receive continuous updates to offer richer support to developers.

Meme Culture

Over time, our view on memes has become less conservative. This moderate openness will gradually be reflected in our products and community support. For example, we are learning how to form positive interactions with vibrant communities and contribute as participants in the actual work. This pushes us to meet higher operational standards and communicate more with the community.

Fractal Bitcoin

The launch of Fractal in September 2024 marked the validation of a series of technologies, including the new op-code OP_CAT and a hybrid mining system named Cadence Mining. The continued on-chain activity in the last quarter led to substantial efforts in optimizing and improving our infrastructure. In 2025, we will continue our technical exploration and operational enhancements, focusing on strengthening the collaboration between Fractal and Bitcoin mainnet. We aim to simplify asset flow between the two and help Fractal become a practical extending solution. Additionally, we will take more proactive operational steps to support teams like Detrading and SatWorld, who have delivery capabilities, in achieving their goals on Fractal.

We have more detailed plans for Fractal, which will be shared in upcoming community interactions.


In 2024, we spent far more effort than anticipated pushing for the BRC-20 protocol upgrade.

Innovation is a high-risk intellectual activity, often accompanied by misunderstandings and controversies. After investing a significant amount of time and team development resources, working tirelessly to convince and support stakeholders to make the upgrade happen, we realised that aligning the interests of all parties is a much more complicated and time-consuming process, and not something we can achieve with our influence and efforts alone. Making this step requires all parties to be equally motivated and come together to overcome our differences. For more details, please refer to E-2409 2024.09 PizzaSwap - A Real-World Proof of BRC-20’s Decentralization.

Comparing this with Fractal’s BRC-20, the delivery efficiency is drastically different. On Bitcoin mainnet, thousands of hours spent on upgrading the BRC20-swap and swap modules did not yield any significant results. However, the upgrade of the swap module on Fractal between UniSat and another indexing service provider OKX was accomplished with only two meetings in less than 10 days, showcasing a stark contrast in efficiency.

Since 2024, we’ve received many heartfelt suggestions encouraging UniSat to move forward independently, avoid unnecessary entanglements, and focus on advancing BRC-20 to a more efficient and comprehensive system with the support of the community. We sincerely thank the supporters, as their feedback has been a driving force for us. Based on the suggestions we received, BRC-20 can indeed benefit from many improvements, such as simplifying operations with single-step transfers, airdrop feature support, network fee cost optimizations, more compact space usage, self-issue claims, and staged fair minting. Each of these could potentially bring about major changes and opportunities. Since 2023, out of respect for the protocol creator Domo and his core principles of keeping the protocol simple and stable, we’ve always maintained a restrained and friendly participant stance. We’ve emphasized that we do not intend to push any changes without confirmation from other indexing service providers, which has been continuously mentioned in the dozens of X (Twitter) Space sessions we’ve participated in over the past two years, all verifiable.

In the new year, we will moderately adjust our approach towards BRC-20 protocol changes, respecting trends and objective realities. Through community voting and utilizing our technical expertise, we will seek to make larger innovations and practices on the application side.


The situation in 2024 has shown that Runes is a competitive protocol emerging in the Bitcoin ecosystem. We also observe that there’s still considerable room for improvement within the existing Runes ecosystem. Since we’ve already implemented effective support for Runes browser, wallet, and marketplace in the first half of 2024, we can contribute more by understanding the community’s needs and pinpointing pain points and opportunities. I was interviewed by Leonidas in 2023, which was inscribed on the Bitcoin blockchain. if given the chance, I would be happy to revisit Runes in a future discussion and see how we can contribute further.

CAT Protocol

The CAT20 protocol is a native protocol on Fractal, based on OP_CAT. We’ve provided first-level support for CAT20 before Fractal’s launch. We are now integrating CAT721, which will be launched in January 2025. We are also closely watching innovative applications on the CAT protocol, and we are always ready to provide full support from UniSat Explorer to UniSat Wallet when new applications emerge. Additionally, we will continue enhancing our understanding of the Bitcoin Virtual Machine and explore ideas for supporting more innovative applications.

This post provides a quick outlook for 2025, but due to its limited length, it cannot cover all the details and work plans. Over the next period, I will try to find time to engage more in the community and share further thoughts. If you’d like to know my views on other matters, feel free to ask.


(Chinese version follows)

2025 快速展望

过去一年,UniSat 在产品研发和交付方面有了更强的确定性,服务的稳定性也有相当程度的改善,但在运营和社区层面做的还远远不够。在我们的研发不断调优,逐步进入良性的轨道之后,在2025年,我本人也能有更多的精力投入到运营团队的建设中来。也欢迎大家随时向我们推荐运营方面的人才,我们运营岗位在 2025 年将常年保持在 open 状态。



  • UniSat 将比 2024 更注重研发团队之间的协作,我们将更紧密地与有交付能力的项目一起协同工作,形成取长补短的合力,使得项目一直以来在研发上紧张的资源进一步得到缓解。
  • 正如前述,我们需要进一步建设运营团队,改善运营能力,和社区形成更有效,更多样化,更有温度的沟通。我们会比以往更加尊重来自社区的意见,改进团队的响应速度,尝试和社区构造和形成更健康的支持关系。


  • 关于 UniSat Wallet,我们会逐步实现更完善的 App 端体验,更全面的资产和 UTXO 管理能力,并尝试建立更稳健的安全模型
  • 关于 UniSat Explorer,我们会扩展支持到比特币主网,可以提供在不同网络上完整一致的服务(目前正在进展过程中)
  • 关于 UniSat Marketplace & PizzaSwap,我们会开始尝试更积极的运营动作,并与优质项目开展更多的运营层面互动
  • 其他的产品诸如 UniSat API 等也会有持续的更新,给开发者提供更丰富的支持。

Meme Culture

随着时间的推移,我们对待 Meme 的看法趋向于不那么保守。这种适度的开放会逐步体现在我们的产品和对社区的支持中。比如,我们正在学习如何与一些有活力的社区形成良性的互动,并一定程度上以贡献者的方式参与到实际的工作中来。我们意识到,对于 Meme 社区而言,产品和技术交付能力在不少情况下是可以帮得上忙,有时甚至能带来很好的放大效应。新的一年我们会有更多的思考,并对具体的方案进行研究。

Fractal Bitcoin

在 2024 年 9 月份 Fractal 的上线,使得包含 OP_CAT 和混合挖矿在内的一系列技术得到验证,持续的链上活跃使得我们在第四季度的大量精力被用于优化和改进我们的基础设施。新的一年我们将继续技术方面的探索和运营方面的增强,在 Fractal 目前已经建立存在的基础上,强化 Fractal 与比特币主网之间的协同和对接的能力,进一步简化与比特币主网之间的资产流动,使得 Fractal 作为扩展方案可以开始逐步发挥实质性的作用。另外,我们也会在运营方面采取更加积极的动作,可以更多地支持像 Detrading 和 SatWorld 这样有交付能力的团队在 Fractal 上达成他们的目标。关于 Fractal 的更多相关计划,这里限于篇幅就先不再展开,我们会在接下来的社区互动中和大家分享。


2024年以来,在推动 brc-20 协议升级这件事上,我们消耗了远远超出我们能力的过多精力。

创新是一项高风险的智力活动,它往往伴随着大量的误解和争议。在投入了大量的精力,总体上数千小时的团队开发资源,并尝试为多个不同组织和单位协调工作之后,我们承认,推动协议升级及相关的政治活动远远超出了我们作为单一参与者可以影响的范围,关于这方面的细节具体可见 E-2409 2024.09 PizzaSwap - A Real-World Proof of BRC-20’s Decentralization

如果和 Fractal 上的 brc-20 做对比,你会发现,两者在交付效率上有天壤之别。在比特币主网上,花在 brc20-swap 和 swap module 升级上的数千小时持续消耗了大量的团队资源,却没有激起一点浪花;而在 Fractal Bitcoin 上,UniSat 和另一个索引服务提供方 OKX 之间关于 swap 模块的升级,一共只开过两次会议,前后只过了不到10天即实现了良好的支持,这是效率上的天壤之别。

2024年以来,我们曾多次收到来自不同方面的恳切建言,希望 UniSat 独立自主,推进建设,不要陷入无谓的拉扯,不要被杂音制约,在必要的时候,应该在社区的支持下,以整个 brc-20 社区利益为重,避免陷入小圈子文化,全力推动 brc-20 实现更高效,更完备的系统。对于这些支持,我们由衷地感谢,这种支持也是我们一路前行的动力。从我们收到的建议来看,brc-20 的确可以有很多积极的改进,如简化操作的单步 transfer,airdrop 功能支持,费用优化,更紧凑的空间占用,自发行申领,阶段性 fair mint,等等。这些中的每一项,也许都可以为系统带来潜在的巨大变革和机会。在 2023 年以来,出于对协议创造者 domo 先生的尊重,出于对协议核心保持简单和稳定这一理念的尊重,我们一向秉持克制的参与者姿态,本着友好协商的精神,一直在强调,我们无意强行推动其他索引服务提供商未确认的变更。这样的理念和行动在我们参与的过去两年数十次 X(Twitter) Space 中均不断有提及,都是可以验证的。

新的一年,我们将适度调整和改变对于推进 brc-20 协议变更的看法,尊重趋势和客观规律,通过投票倾听社区的声音,利用我们在技术上的积累,寻求在应用侧实现更多的创新实践。


2024 年的情况表明,Runes 是 bitcoin 生态中涌现出的一个有竞争力的协议。同时我们也关注到,现有的 Runes 生态在不少方面还有相当的改进空间。由于在 2024 年上半年我们已经实现了对 Runes 的浏览器,钱包,市场的有效支持,在这个基础上,如果我们能够更多地理解社区的诉求,准确地定位这里的痛点和燃点,UniSat 也可以支持为 Runes 做更多的贡献。我曾在 2023 年接受过 Leonidas 的专访,这个专访记录还被以铭文的形式刻在比特币区块链上,相信有机会能聊一聊 Runes,看看我们能做些什么。

CAT Protocol

CAT20 协议是 Fractal 上基于 OP_CAT 的原生协议。在 Fractal 上线前,我们就为 CAT20 提供了第一级的支持。目前我们正在接入 CAT721,这比原计划稍晚一点,预计会在 2025 年一月份上线。我们同时也在关注 cat 协议上的应用创新,如果有新的应用,我们也随时准备好提供从浏览器到钱包的全套支持。我们还将积极增进自己对于 bitcoin virtual machine 的理解,并尝试为更多创新的应用提供思路。

这篇文章是我们对于 2025 年的一个简单的展望,它的篇幅有限,无法涵盖诸多的细节和工作计划。这段时间我将找到一些时间,出现在社区里与大家交流。

December 29, 2024

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